Background for creators spicy Tea. Teal painted room with pink flowers, multiple old cameras and recording equipment, and red rope

Creators Spicy Tea

Creators Spicy Tea

Education and resources by creators, for creators

Education and resources by creators, for creators

the Instagram logo, links to Creators Spicy Tea Instagram
The YouTube logo, links to Creators Spicy Tea YouTube channel
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Education, resources, coaching & mentorship

Find help and community from other verified creators

Community, resources & support

CST designed trackers, planners & organization tools

Education and resources on all streaming platforms

Vintage Chalk Rope Line
Vintage Chalk Rope Line
Vintage Chalk Rope Line

Upcoming and Newest Members Resources

Upcoming and Newest Members Resources

Vintage Chalk Rope Line
Vintage Chalk Rope Line
Vintage Chalk Rope Line

Creators Spicy Tea Storefront

Creators Spicy Tea Storefront

Take a step back from the scattered points of sales ​data and organize them into a easy to digest larger ​picture. Use this sheet to help analyze your sales ​financial data, your most loyal clients, and to help ​create a optimized working schedule.

I everything you need to know to start in the adult content creation business. From the Golden Rules, how to start under $100, bio writing best practices and so much more! This contains 12 resources on the fundamentals of running a business while staying sane In the online adult content industry.

Stepping a level up from the previous guide, this one goes more in-depth to help you hone your skills. We cover battling content block, customer service in sex work, scripts for interacting with buyers, collaboration with co-performers and so much more! This guide is packed with 10 full resources previously exclusive to the creator spicy Patreon.

This compilation of resources breaks down the beast that is direct sales. With tips and tricks that I rely on to provide my full-time income through direct sales, for those just starting or even those just looking to brush up on their skills, this guide with 10 resources covers everything from pricing in your business to a in-depth breakdown of what direct sales is is sure to help you on your direct sales journey.

This Tracker will help you track your stream data! Track and monitor trends in your earnings, stream length, regular streaming times, and all of your tipping clients! This tracker is sure to help you get more organized, and make better data driven decisions.

This compilation of resources breaks down the beast that is direct sales. With tips and tricks that I rely on to provide my full-time income through direct sales, for those just starting or even those just looking to brush up on their skills, this guide with 10 resources covers everything from pricing in your business to a in-depth breakdown of what direct sales is is sure to help you on your direct sales journey.

Vintage Chalk Rope Line
Vintage Chalk Rope Line
Vintage Chalk Rope Line

Upcoming and Newest Free Resources

Upcoming and Newest Free Resources

Though these resources are freely accessible, you may need to create a ​Patreon account and follow Creators Spicy Tea to access them

Though these resources are freely accessible, you may need to create a ​Patreon account and follow Creators Spicy Tea to access them

Vintage Chalk Rope Line
Vintage Chalk Rope Line
Vintage Chalk Rope Line

C.S.T's Favorite Resources

C.S.T's Favorite Resources

Vintage Chalk Rope Line
Vintage Chalk Rope Line
Vintage Chalk Rope Line

Creators Spicy Tea Patreon Reviews

Creators Spicy Tea Patreon Reviews

'As a seasoned creator, I assumed that i didn't need the extra help. When this ​recent selling slump hit, I swallowed my pride and decided to try it out to see if it ​would make a difference. I am so glad I did. My sales went up by 300% in two ​weeks of Alley's help, and I have a new outlook and attitude towards my business. ​Regulars who were with me before I started working with Alley said they noticed ​the difference right away and love how our interactions have changed.

Alley helped me overcome my burnout and find the love for this industry I used to ​have buried under my jaded and tired mindset. I am so grateful to her and look ​forward to seeing what my future looks like.'

cinanom_bun - mentorship

'As a seasoned creator, I assumed that i didn't need the extra help. When this ​recent selling slump hit, I swallowed my pride and decided to try it out to see if it ​would make a difference. I am so glad I did. My sales went up by 300% in two ​weeks of Alley's help, and I have a new outlook and attitude towards my business. ​Regulars who were with me before I started working with Alley said they noticed ​the difference right away and love how our interactions have changed.

Alley helped me overcome my burnout and find the love for this industry I used to ​have buried under my jaded and tired mindset. I am so grateful to her and look ​forward to seeing what my future looks like.'

cinanom_bun - mentorship

So far since I’ve joined Alleys Patreon I’ve been nothing but impressed with her ​resources and amazing thought process! I started last month and have not only ​started direct selling, but managing my time better into a routine that works for ​me! Not only does Alley think of ways to help market she thinks of ways to take ​care of burnout, having a inventory for days you want to take off, and even goes ​as far to make multiple trackers for busy hours all the way to income, age ​verification, and taxes! I have never been so impressed with a creators Patreon ​and truly has changed my adult platforms for the better! I could not recommend ​this Patreon creator more!!

anonymous - mentorship

So far since I’ve joined Alleys Patreon I’ve been nothing but impressed with her ​resources and amazing thought process! I started last month and have not only ​started direct selling, but managing my time better into a routine that works for ​me! Not only does Alley think of ways to help market she thinks of ways to take ​care of burnout, having a inventory for days you want to take off, and even goes ​as far to make multiple trackers for busy hours all the way to income, age ​verification, and taxes! I have never been so impressed with a creators Patreon ​and truly has changed my adult platforms for the better! I could not recommend ​this Patreon creator more!!

anonymous - mentorship

Hello everyone!

I decided that i should check out the Patreon for this subreddit, its only $5/mo and if anything, it might be a nice refresher on my marketing ​knowledge. So I gave it a shot. (And here is why you should too)

Newbies, not only is there plenty of reading material, but the material is step by step and easy to discuss, covering literally everything you ​will need to learn as a beginner. On top of the beginner stuff, you will also get advanced tips. The podcasts help solidify the tips and info too.

As a person who has already had about 20 hours of marketing education and 12 years in some sort of small businesses or modeling jobs, I ​wanted to know is this info gonna help people? Can I point my friends this way? Is it gonna have results? Yes. The fact is, the creator of this ​line of education is a huge nerd and and and makes a lot of money doing what she does and she gives us word for word what she says to ​potential buyers in some examples. Not only that, but she is hella responsive and is doing research for even those of us who fit niches other ​than hers. She WANTS to see other creator’s meet their goals. 😍 I plan to literally use all the advice here to help me break out of my slump. I ​even downloaded the free (if you’re in our discord anyway, it might be free elsewhere too) creators planner and i like it a lot when i ​remember to use it. It has places to track progress and everything :)

No matter if you are new or been at this a while, you will literally not get detailed advice like this anywhere else. Its cheap af. Its good solid ​advice. Definitely worth it. Thats my two cents. ;) i wanted to share my experience with yall. xx 💕

- SockFeetAnon - General Resources and Community

Hello everyone!

I decided that i should check out the Patreon for this subreddit, its only $5/mo and if anything, it might be a nice refresher on my marketing ​knowledge. So I gave it a shot. (And here is why you should too)

Newbies, not only is there plenty of reading material, but the material is step by step and easy to discuss, covering literally everything you ​will need to learn as a beginner. On top of the beginner stuff, you will also get advanced tips. The podcasts help solidify the tips and info too.

As a person who has already had about 20 hours of marketing education and 12 years in some sort of small businesses or modeling jobs, I ​wanted to know is this info gonna help people? Can I point my friends this way? Is it gonna have results? Yes. The fact is, the creator of this ​line of education is a huge nerd and and and makes a lot of money doing what she does and she gives us word for word what she says to ​potential buyers in some examples. Not only that, but she is hella responsive and is doing research for even those of us who fit niches other ​than hers. She WANTS to see other creator’s meet their goals. 😍 I plan to literally use all the advice here to help me break out of my slump. I ​even downloaded the free (if you’re in our discord anyway, it might be free elsewhere too) creators planner and i like it a lot when i ​remember to use it. It has places to track progress and everything :)

No matter if you are new or been at this a while, you will literally not get detailed advice like this anywhere else. Its cheap af. Its good solid ​advice. Definitely worth it. Thats my two cents. ;) i wanted to share my experience with yall. xx 💕

- SockFeetAnon - General Resources and Community

Vintage Chalk Rope Line
Vintage Chalk Rope Line
Vintage Chalk Rope Line

A Little About Me

A Little About Me

Hi y'all! I am Alley, a seasoned creator finding my way in the adult content scene with a six-figure plus annual income across ​platforms like ManyVids, alongside self-made channels like my subscription-based Telegram channel. With extensive knowledge ​of direct sales and a deep understanding of sales psychology, my experience spans the spectrum of the industry, from in-person ​engagements to online creation, and now teaching. My personal specialties are not just in direct content sales and sales ​psychology as stated above. I also consider myself a Reddit know-it-all, a business back end enthusiast, with a genuine love of ​spreadsheets, data, and analysis. I approach my content creation business with a data forward strategy. This has significantly ​helped me streamline my processes, and could very well help you optimize yours as well!

But my journey isn't just about personal success—it's about empowering others. When I first started I noticed a plethora of new ​creators reaching out for help only to be stonewalled and have information gate kept from them, myself included. I made all of ​the mistakes you can imagine, I messed up every which way possible in my beginning. I learned all of those life lessons the hard ​way. That's why I am thrilled for the personalized coaching and mentorship sessions and comprehensive resources I've designed ​to help creators at every level. I already learned these lessons the hard way, you shouldn't have to. Get ready for insider ​insights, real-world experiences, and advice tailored to your goals. Because y'all, in this community, success is a shared journey.

Let's face it: Breaking into the adult content industry can feel overwhelming. That's where I hope to help, offering guidance and ​support to navigate the challenges and maximize your potential. Remember, success here isn't instant—it's a marathon, not a ​sprint. But with these communities by your side, you'll never walk this path alone.

Hi y'all! I am Alley, a seasoned creator finding my way in the adult content scene with a six-figure plus annual income across ​platforms like ManyVids, alongside self-made channels like my subscription-based Telegram channel. With extensive knowledge ​of direct sales and a deep understanding of sales psychology, my experience spans the spectrum of the industry, from in-person ​engagements to online creation, and now teaching. My personal specialties are not just in direct content sales and sales ​psychology as stated above. I also consider myself a Reddit know-it-all, a business back end enthusiast, with a genuine love of ​spreadsheets, data, and analysis. I approach my content creation business with a data forward strategy. This has significantly ​helped me streamline my processes, and could very well help you optimize yours as well!

But my journey isn't just about personal success—it's about empowering others. When I first started I noticed a plethora of new ​creators reaching out for help only to be stonewalled and have information gate kept from them, myself included. I made all of ​the mistakes you can imagine, I messed up every which way possible in my beginning. I learned all of those life lessons the hard ​way. That's why I am thrilled for the personalized coaching and mentorship sessions and comprehensive resources I've designed ​to help creators at every level. I already learned these lessons the hard way, you shouldn't have to. Get ready for insider ​insights, real-world experiences, and advice tailored to your goals. Because y'all, in this community, success is a shared journey.

Let's face it: Breaking into the adult content industry can feel overwhelming. That's where I hope to help, offering guidance and ​support to navigate the challenges and maximize your potential. Remember, success here isn't instant—it's a marathon, not a ​sprint. But with these communities by your side, you'll never walk this path alone.

the creators spicy tea logo a single line drawing of a flogger and a cup of tea. The text reads creators spicy tea, by creators for creators